Browsing through blogs and i became "IT" so suddenly. I wonder what would happened if i didn't do this, but for the fun of it, me doeth! Haha! *Teach me properly how to do one? hehehe... Noobness in this!*
My FUGLIEST pic: *Hi, name's Derek. See me, you have seen all! :D*
Layer One : The OutsideName : Derek Wong Ling Jeong *Don't see! Don't look!*
Birth Date : 28th May 1987 *Remember the date never!*
Current Status : Breathing under the fan. In front of the computer. :D
Eye Colour : Says in the certificate to certify me Dark Brown :D
Hair Colour : Black as always. What else does an Asian have?
Righty or Lefty : Righty and a little lefty? hehe...
Layer Two : On The InsideYour Heritage : Chinese Chinese Chinese *Don't know if got other blood mixed a not! :p*
Your Fear : Me fear? Oooo... you should know! *Ask me!*
Your Weakness : The weakness that allow you to own me? Hmmm... I have no idea currently.
You perfect Pizza : Perfect Pizza? No such thing! Every pizza has a flaw! One isn't enough for me! hehehehe!
Layer Three : Yesterday, Today, TomorrowYour Thoughts First Thing When You Wake Up : *Yawn* *Mind is empty!*
Bedtime : Anytime i want but i normally make myself go at 11pm
Your Most Missed Memory : All my memories! *Every memory i have is so valuable be it bad or good! :D*
Layer Four : Your PickPepsi or Coke : Either. It's the same thing. Mouth in, pee out. *BURP!*
McDonald's or Burger King : Either. It's food! Entrance: Mouth! Pit stop: Stomach. Exit: *It stinks!*
Single or Group Dates : Either would do. As long there are people, nice to meet you! :D
Adidas or Nike : Give me both. I am not branded! hahaha...
Tea or Nestea : Drinks both, comes out the same substance.
Chocolate or Vanilla : Need i say more? hehehe...
Cappucino or Coffee : I shouldn't say anymore for this type of question, right?
Layer Five : Do You ...
Smoke : Nope and i don't plan to. Oh yeah, if you smoke, get the hell away from me. Thank you.
Curse : Oh? Like you never curse before? hehehe...
Take a Shower : I live in Malaysia. Showers are a must! Hello!?
Have a Crush : Of course! It cost over 1000 plus to make my car into perfect condition again and it was a minor one too! *So expensive! GRRR!*
Think You've Been In Love: Always in love. I love ALL! *HUGS!*
Go To School : Fortunate to go and fun to play at.
Want To Get Married : Hmmm... I would love to but me no money and i don't have the chosen one yet. Where is me perfect one? hehehe...
Believe In Yourself : Definitely! If not, who to believe when i lie? WHOOPS! *Shouldn't had said that! hehehe...*
Think You're a Health Freak : Ummm? Health freak? What does freak mean? Well, i am healthy. Thank you!
Layer Six : In The Past MonthDrank Alcohol : Hmmm... I forgotten. It has already been one month. How do you expect me to remember? hahaha...
Gone To The Mall : Can anyone tell me if i have been to the Mall last month?
Been On Stage : Where is that again? On stage? Never heard of it. Sorry, go to the tourist information for more if you want to know.
Eaten Sushi : Food don't last that long. Do they?
Dyed Your Hair : I don't remember. *Check hair if they are colored* Oh i did! It's natural black! hehe...
Layer Seven : Have You Ever ...Played A Stripping Game : Nope. I am a shy person. What makes you think i would? :P
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : I don't really know. Have to ask the people to know. Normally, they will just laugh. :D
Layer Eight : Age You're HopingTo Get Married : Wait till i got money and the chosen one! Then i will tell you! :D
Layer Nine : In A Girl/GuyBest Eye Colour : All are beautiful. Made perfect by God.
Best Hair Colour : All are beautiful. Made to suit the body colour.
Short Hair or Long Hair : It is their decision. Doesn't really matter to me but i like mine to be long. hehehe... Just want to see how i look like when i have long hair. :D
Layer Ten : What Were You Doing1 Min Ago : I did not keep track. Ask my past self. He would know!
1 Hour Ago : Read the answer above. It is clearly stated.
4.5 Hours Ago : Please refer to the answer above. It should be written there.
1 Month Ago : Please use a time machine to check so that you will not get a false answer. :D
1 Year Ago : Purchase a time machine. Really. That is all i can say to you. hehe...
Layer Eleven : Finish The SentenceI Love : God and all things that are lovable especially me family and friends. :D
I Feel : No constant feeling. Always changing. hehehe... :P
I Hate : No idea. Haven't thought of one thing to hate. I will tell you later.
I Hide : Things that are meant for hiding. hehehe...
I Need : What a person would need. Without that, i guess i won't be breathing. hahaha... *Silly question!*
Layer Twelve : Tag Five People
One people.
Two people.
Three people.
Four people.
Five people.
There! I tagged all five people already! Cool! Easy ain't it? hehehe...
Well, i guess that's the end. I hope i did it correctly. hahaha... Have no idea but that's that! :D