Ever want to find the best reason to not go to work and the reason given would be the most relevant too? It will be very convincing and your boss might just fall for it. Want to give it a try? You never know until you actually tried it right? =P

First, give that all cranky look and take a picture of it showing you are in a lot of pain. This will be proof of you being in lots of pain and can't even get up. Perfect excuse right? :D

If that did not work and the boss has sent someone to come handle you, continue to make your agonizing pain face to convince the caretaker who will take you like shown above. =D

After making lots of frustration with the caretaker, when he puts you down, continue to make your wonderful face of wonders to really convince that you are in pain and really need a day off.

If it still fails, please continue to a higher level of irritation. Please execute the crying phase. That will definitely bring the caretaker to his knees and leave you alone. No one can blame you there since tears can't be made up right? =D *Unless you got eye-more by your side*

Might the caretaker still be a stubborn mule, just continue with the teary face and add a little puppy eye facial to give the out most effect of convincing that you are really in the state you proclaim you are. =P

Not enough? Add more puppy eye to it. You can do it! Not worth losing over here right since you made it this far. Make that caretaker lose it's powerful doubt over your fake acting. You know you can do it! Show those tears! =D

When all does not work, it is best to go all out and just to pause a little while just to see the reaction of the caretaker that he will just pick up the phone and tell the boss you are really sick and can't make it today. Make it extremely audible as he is talking with the boss. Continue to make a fuss once he puts down the phone. This is to ensure he will leave you alone.

Why left alone you ask? Just to have your hard earn relaxation in the bath you always wanted on a Monday blue. Just you and the blue tub. What more can be more rewarding that this? Excuse and the perfect relaxation from a hectic day at the office without stepping in to the office.
So have a relaxing bath by earning it the easy way out. Hehe... Who knows it just might work.
*Pictures are courtesy from an email sent by my friend *N* :D Title that is written... I am not going to work today. Definitely fit the description. :D*
I like the last baby. and oooh! It's asian! heheh!
oh?? haha... that baby is pretty much very famous! hahaha... relaxing is his job... we should all learn from the baby! hahaha... :D
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