Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The return!

Hey all! XD... Thanks for visiting my blog once again and i am sorry if you saw no update lately cause i really haven't been coming in my blog to blog about stuff. So if you are disappointed, let's just say, you won't be anymore for a while? =P

So the previous post was written in March and it is maybe more or less one month til this post. I think? I didn't really check the date on the precious post. Guess i am really a bit lazy to do stuff. Glad i ain't that way while working. If i was, I would been have kicked out for the utter complete laziness. Just to say, i still work. Hahaha... Not being a showoff or anything but sometimes, it's nice to comfort yourself with this kind of encouragement! hahaha...

Enough talk, so i am here today to blog about what has been recently going on in my all so happy life of mine! hehe... Currently still working from Monday to Friday. Maybe sometimes Saturday too but that happen often as i tend to finish all my work on the weekdays before Saturday so that i can have that day free! :D It pays to be hardworking sometimes. XP So basically i am always free on the weekends. God has bless me with this wonderful job of only five times a week and gave me two days off. Praise the Lord always! :D

So after work i will go play some basketball with my friends if they invite me to go and play. If no message comes, it will be home and just be on the computer trying to find something nice to do. Most probably just go online and search for some stuff and then offline. It's kind of frustrating when you have all the technology but yet still be bored. What a disappointment in human advancement! hahaha... Not saying anything but it is just too good to let that slip~ :P

Oh, i am gaining weight in a slow way. Cool isn't it? Bet all my friends will be like: Now that's more like Derek! hahaha... Oh, maybe it will go until there but i am not sure. Or i will just be how i am now. Just average~ Whatever becomes becomes. Nothing to hope too much for. Fat is a blessing and so is slim. So whatever it is, just be happy you have a body that will move wherever you want it to move to. No need to expect too much from yourself but to be glad you have a functional body. Xp

So i receive a comment on what to do when i am bored on my last post and here it is.
"i wish i have enough time to enjoy being bored :)
i know twin .. you can do all the funs stuff i dont have time to do:)
1. run in the rain
2. play on the beach
3. make yummy cocktails and chat with friends
4. watch movies
5. learn how to shoot a gun
6. write long letters and post them to old friends
7. find pretty, bright and cute buttons
8.find fashonable antique brooches
9. read an interesting book
10.find a boyfiend ;P in your case ill make an exception u can find a girl :D
love you D ! hope you can find something interesting to do

Thank you DR N! This suggestion that you have given me i will put it in my mind and will do it if i can! :D Hope you don't mind i use your comment to be a little blog post content! hahaha... So if i was to say, i did the 1st, 2nd, and 4th. The others, i think i will have to invest time to do those. Time to plan plan plan! :D The 3rd will require some practice before i invite anyone because i haven't shake up a cocktails in years. The 5th will have to wait until i get to go to a shooting range to have fun. The 6th will require someone who is willing to write letters with me and my letters are mostly long! hahaha... The 7th will have to wait as i do not know where to find those that yet but will tell you when i do. The 8th will require some time as antiques are hard to obtain even if you do find one. I will give everyone if i do manage to find some. The 9th, i will have to make myself interested in reading books first before that comes to past! haha... The last, well, i will wait until God gives me the right one and make the move when He tells me too. I am not rushed by this cause i have my friends! Will tell if i do find my special one! Hehe...

So yeah, so that is my reply to you my twin! hehe... hope you read this post! Well, i am off to play some basketball as i have a message. hehe... Have fun and take care! God bless all! :D

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