Today is a day to celebrate! Why you ask me? Well, it is because one of my sister's friend got married today! YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY WEDDED COUPLE! Peter and Lindsey! hehehe... *Lindsey would be my sister's friend* So happy since i know her also. Actually my sister couldn't make it for the wedding ceremony today so i had to replace my sister in doing so. I am glad i did cause it was an awesome sight to behold. Two people getting together for a new beginning. I bless both of you to have a wonderful journey ahead together! :D
Took some photos but i couldn't take so much as my phone's camera is not zoom-able. I so dislike my phone camera although it is 2 megapix. I wish i could zoom and take pictures that will sastify my perfection of catching the moment. I guess i am wishing too much from my phone. Anyway, it is still a wonderful phone to have! Like it much and still will take lovely photos every now and then. Just to have fun with the camera! hehe...
Before the picture album, i guess a story of what happened is required? hehehe... no? Really? I know you want to know! No? Oh well, you will be missing a lot then. Nah, i will just tell what happened! hahaha... The ceremony begins by the marching of the bride to the front. Followed by Praise and Worship to the Lord! Then came a message from the pastor to the two important people as well as the whole people who attended the ceremony. *Long but not that long. Still alive and i didn't sleep. What an improvement!* Then would be the marriage ceremony. *They exchanged vows and it was lovely* After the rings were exchange, kissing the bride was a must! hehehe... *blush* Then it was picture taking session! WHEE! *couldn't take a lot cause i was sitting at the back row! T.T Sorry!* Then refreshment of cream puff, cake, curry puffs and sausage rolls! *Rolls all around! :P*
Without further a due, the pictures that i took. Not much but i think it is enough for you people to digest. =P *Remind to get a digital camera so that i can take pictures! haha*
The following picture below are about the ring bearer. *Is he not the best ring bearer?* Playing and being the center of attention and lots of people taking picture at the side. *One of them is me! :D* Cute ring bearer no?
This would the picture that i took. Well i have to go now cause i will be attending the wedding dinner at Eastwood Valley later. I wonder if the food is going to be nice. I am also wondering if i am going to post another for the dinner. You know, the genes that are within me are from generations. So blame the lazy genes if i don't post. =P hahaha... Enjoy the post. More to come... Perhaps! :p hehe... WHEE!!!
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