Today was such an awesome day but not for the beginning part though cause it was all about school and yeah, i won't be talking a lot about me in school since it is only lectures and well, just lectures. Not a very nice thing to talk about cause it is the routine of what i do each day. No telly! hehehe.... Going on to the main course of the day! YES!
We went to Fratini's. Is that how you spell it? I don't know the correct spelling but yeah, it is Italian alright! Yes, I went to Italy today! Oh, did i mentioned the we? The 'we' are Michellious, Deb, Sarah, Chloe and of course me. Hehe... Did i miss out anyone? No right? Me good! *Say it all together now, I'm good! I know you are!* So me let pictures do talking yes? Here we go!
Disclaimer: A lot of pictures ahead. If you have a faint heart, please close this window immediately! This is a warning, not a command. I repeat, this is a warning not a command! Thank you! hehe.. Onwards to the photos taken by me! :D
"Ah, would you like some olive oil on it? Perhaps some vinegar? Ah, but please!"
My personal Mocha. Isn't it just so nice and well, good to drink? hehehe...
"Umm, would you guys mind if i could get another plate of the lovely pasta i just ate? Please?" *So what is she staring at? hmmm... Hugs!*
Finale! I went to the washroom and found this little oxygen giver on its on and what better way to give it the full glory but to post it to my blog! hehehe... Thank you washroom plant! :D
So there are the pictures for you to enjoy. Well, I will fill in the blanks for the pictures above. So i arrived at the place at 2.30 something because of traffic! *Always blaming the traffic.* Sighted group! Charge! Sat down. Order food time. Tired? Yes. Throw a stupid tantrum. Waiter waiting. Be normal and ordered. Waiter go. Be crazy again. Waiter come with drinks and food. Behave once again. All then grub down food. NICE! Food Finished. Suddenly, conversation start.
Details of conversations. Talked about totally random stuff. I myself have no idea but just join in the fun. Suddenly talking about breast. Boobs. Then change to nipple. Me? Just listening while they poke and played and talked about their assets. Me no have. Can't really boast about mine. Laugh lots. *Somethings are best not mentioned sometimes right? So not mentioning anything about that anymore.* Ordered deserts. Banana split. Nice. Finish. Go counter. Have a duel with waitress about discount. Paid. LEFT! :D
Change of destination. Grand Palace Hotel. All cramped into Deb's car. Then went to Education Fair in Hotel where everyone was looking for a University to study in the near future. As for me, I just went there to accompany my darlings. It was fun though. Lots of information on the Australia Universities. So many people. Well, not really but can consider eh? Sorry, no picture for this destination. Saw Dexter, my friend. Came to look for Econs course. Accompanied him to listen what the universities has to offer. Lots of nods. :D Then after all inquiry are done. HOME!
Deb came to my place for dinner. We had wonderful dinner cooked by my beloved mom. *She cooks good food!* Then watched some TV, chatted and watch some TV? hahaha... i have no idea and now in front of the monitor! :D So signing off with a Whee and of course my smiles! :D WHEEEEEE!
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What a waste of bandwidth!!!
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