Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yawn! *rubs eyes*

Take it from a person who knows the wonderful side effects of not having enough of sleep. :D That would be me for today! So come get some advice from a grumpy me. Well, the not enough sleep me that is. :p

It all started yesterday. Can i say yesterday? Hmmm... i guess so eh? Okay, time frame, NOT IMPORTANT! hahaha... Slept very early today. It was in the wee hours of today. When the famous legend of 13 hour in the night. Nice isn't it? hehehe... What was i doing? That would be easy. What would your guess be then? Definitely on the computer. Ha! You got me! That's the wonderful life on the line of broadband. *What? Must update myself what. :p*

Went to wife and slept. Okay, if you are wondering so much, i BRUSHED my teeth! hehehe... So there! Now you know i am so hygienic! :D *Guess where all that bright smile comes from? :P* It was the best night ever. Why would i say that? Well because it was so windy and cooling that around 3 or 4 in the morning, came the wind like a typhoon. My mom woke up and like cover me in blankie! *LOVE YOU MOM!* Totally big wind and rain in a sudden rush. They were here to stay till dawn break.

Maybe that caused me to be sleepy now. I have no idea. I did not know that waking up just for 5 seconds will actually effect your entire day. Wow! Amazing! Totally stunned! 5 seconds only and it will effect the whole day. Hmmm... remind me not to wake up suddenly even for one second again! Eyes are rather keeping it alive but head head gives a little hammer every now and then. Yes, head, i will go to wife soon. Just give me a minute yes? Just have to tweak a little of me blog post first. Thank you! HUGS!

That would be all for the special of the day. Otherwise, you can just come look for me and have a blast. Hehehe... always welcome! Before this speaker is turned off, just let me say it is indeed a very nice day today and ended up sunny side up. :D Totally a smiley day! :D hehehe... Speak the language people! Switching off... little speaker. :P

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