Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Hello everybody!

Guess this is the first post that i will be posting for my newest made blog for today! WHEEEE! Isn't this great?? I hope you like it cause it is just starting and everything isn't into place yet so i think i will just write a simple post first just to get it started and i will fill in the details later. So umm... take this first as a appetizer and enjoy the main course later eh?? hahaha... well if you found this blog... You found me! hahaha....

Have fun and enjoy... more to come later... i don't know... maybe... but first... construction of blog required! hahaha... check every now and then for construction progress... :p


Michellious said...

Congrats congrats to Derek and his new Blog: Mamapolyness!

P/S: If I didn't know you, reading your blog made me felt as if a gril wrote the entries. XD You're so Unisex, Derek. *hugs*

Michellious said...

Girl, not gril. Hee, typo. Sowie!

MaMapoly said...

Hehe... it is for all gender dear! hehehe... plus.. that's me... :D hehehe... thanks for smiling on me blog... :D hehehe... so smile much! hehehe.... HUGS!